
Funny Story

About a couple of years ago, I think right after Corona ended, my Mental health was at an all time low. A combination of just having moved to a new city, me being an akward person and the lockdowns preventing me from adequately communicating with people had me feeling lonely and unimportant. And clearly I wasn't the only one feeling this way. My family in general felt the hit too, especially my mother.
My mom announced she was going on a Wellness trip to me in January (I think), and a month later she went away with my Brother and Sister for three weeks, leaving me and my Dad alone at home. While I definelty missed my Mom, I was pretty numb to the pain. The first couple of days were just quiet. But some day, my dad suggested we watch some Nuar movies. Black and white stuff. And honestly, I was starved for attention, so I agreed. We watched a couple of movies, but one stuck with me for a long while. Metropolis
I have a really shitty memory. What I do remember is me sitting on the floor, my Dad on the couch, staring at the screen in fascination at a movie that was nearly lost to time. We didn't watch it in one go. We took a break inbetween, and the reason I remember this movie so well, is because during that break, I finally broke down and my dad suggested therapy for me.
But not to overshadow the movie with my situation, the movie itself is a classic, and I have rewatched it MULTIPLE times at this point. I haven't in a long while, maybe I actually should again, but I can't focus on this much stuff. But this movie, not only is a Masterpiece on its own, but also changed my life for the better.